Saturday, July 17, 2004

The Hidden Ball Trick: Shyamalan's Secret Village

In the "spirit" of The Blair Witch Project, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre,  and other infamous movie hoaxes designed to boost box office draw, the Sci-Fi Channel admitted that it lied about a documentary set to air on their network tomorrow (Sunday, July 18th). 
M. Night Shyamalan, shown here in this AP photo, has often been compared to the late great Alfred Hitchcock and these stories (the film and the scam) sound Hitchcokian to the extreme.  No doubt Shyamalan is a master of suspense, two of his films crack Bull Durham's top-100; The Sixth Sense and Signs.  
 The Village is set thrill and chill a theatre near you on July 30th. 
Meanwhile the entire episode strikes me as odd. I guess it has become a big deal because other entities were fished-in by the gag, namely the main stream media including the AP.  The Village doesn't really need any extra PR because next to the Spider-man sequel it seems to have the biggest buzz of any movie this summer. Go figure? I guess this stunt just goes to prove that there's no such thing as bad publicity. 


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