Free Agency
I'm selling out. Not that I ever had much pride, mind you, but now I'm about to demonstrate my utter lack thereof. You'll notice I made a few changes to The Hot Corner over the weekend. The bottom line is this--I need to make some extra cash so we can have our own domain here at Bull Durham's Hot Corner and so we can build some funds to finance our films through BullDurham Productons. As to the former, I need to purchase a domain which requires an one-time fee and lease server space that will be an ongoing expense. As to the latter, while we do own our own top-quality camera I still need to purchase a few odds and ends before the shooting commences on Needles in a Fountain later next month.
So... I'm selling out. But I never had anything to begin with so what does that make me? Desperate! Here's what you can do to help:
- You can take the easy way out and cruise on over to the right hand column. There you will find some useful Web sites just a click away. These advertisements are safe, useful to you, and make us a little cash, too. So start clickin'!
- You can become a BENAFACTOR by making a charitable donation via the Amazon Honor System. It's through Amazon so the connection is very secure.
- You can surf on over to the Official Online Store for Bull Durham's Hot Corner and BullDurham Productions over at and buy some of those goodies.
- You can purchase Needles in a Fountain memorabilia as well.
- I'm also planning on having some really nice caps for The Hot Corner and BullDurham Productions available in the near future so if you know me, you'll be obligated to buy one!
- If you have a blog or Web site of your own, you can link to us!
- Finally, you can Email us to request our affordable monthly, yearly, and lifetime advertising available at Bull Durham's Hot Corner, the fastest growing, hippest, tightest movie blog on planet Earth!
So get in on the ground floor of something we hope is gonna be really big! As always, thanks for all your love and support!
So many blogs and only 10 numbers to rate them. I'll have to give you a 9 because you have a quailty topic.
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