Sunday, August 01, 2004

Sunday Afternoon...

Sitting here on a Sunday afternoon thinking about taking a nap...

A word of thanks goes out to Gaylan for pointing out an error I recently published here at Bull Durham's Hot Corner. As a journalist I do strive to bring you the facts... then I gripe about the facts. That's my job, but those meaningless musing are intended to be based on one thing--the facts. The mistake has now been corrected so thanks a bunch!

Scroll down for a new quote this week! "Like a lot of things in life, we laugh because it's true and we laugh because it's funny." Not the quote of the week, but a good one all the same.

The poll crashed on me. Sorry. But it was free so what can I say?

Here's another great publicity still from the forthcoming Friday Night Lights.

Variety is reporting more Bond woes.

Michael Moore's flick is under fire for its legitimacy again. This time by the Saudi Royal family AND the 9/11 Commission.

Here's some interesting news about an Indie film that's causing some buzz--Open Water.

A couple of of USA Today articles about Shyamalan (The Village), but this one contains SPOILERS so beware!

And I'll get that review out to you this week.

That's all for today! Hope you all have a wonderful week!


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