More FNL Insanity from Odessa
These are the actual players Bissinger focused on in his book. From left, Mike Winchell, Boobie Miles, Brian Chavez, Don Billingsley, and Jerrod McDougal.
Here are some of the Permian HS cheerleaders at the premiere. Bull Durham's Wife is a graduate of Odessa Permian HS.
H.G. (Buzz) Bissinger and Peter Berg. "Yeah, they're cousins. Identical cousins and you'll find..." Well, obviously they aren't identical. Besides, they're just second cousins is all.
Here's another ET profile about FNL, this one focuses on Billy Bob Thornton.
I must admit that my journalistic coverage on this film has been severely limited considering I live in Odessa, but my good neighbor Sleepless in Midland has been covering all things FNL for years. Go check him out.
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