National Treasure took the box office crown over the weekend by nudging out SpoungeBob SquarePants. The Squared One scored with audiences of all makes although I'll never ever understand why. The Incredibles, The Polar Express, and Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason round out the top 5, which begs the question: When was the last time three of the top 5 films were all animated? I'm not clever enough to figure that one out so drop us a line if you think you know the answer. Be prepared to cite your sources.
We haven't had a news update in a while so there's much to report...
Jude Law was named the sexiest man alive. I have an ex-girlfriend who put forth this thought over five years ago but she doesn't speak to me anymore so I can neither confirm nor deny the notion that's she's behind his selection in some way. As manipulative as she was I figure she had to have a hand in this somehow, thus bringing about her ultimate vindication at this time.
Mel Gibson says he won't be plugging his flick for an Oscar this year.
The folks at AFI are at it again. This time they're compiling a list of the top 100 movie quotes of all time. Casablanca is probably going to dominate the top 10.
Exhibit A in our study of duplicity--Roman Polanski. He wants the right to sue somebody in a court of law via video link. He wants to sue Vanity Fair for "defamation." You might recall that Polanski was convicted for having sex with a 13 year-old back in 1977. There are two things astonishing about this; first, that Polanski has the nerve to use the courts when they might benefit him but refuses to yield to court orders himself, and second, that a fleeing felon pedophile would actually think somebody could "defame" his "reputation."
Several films in development make their debut on The Hot Corner.
Sam Raimi, the director of both recent Spider-man films, intends to remake one of his own films--The Evil Dead. With the current resurgence of The Zombie Genre, this is not at all surprising.
Colin Firth wants to throw his hat inside Money Penny's office as the new Bond. The other Colin, Colin Farrell who is Pierce Brosnan's choice went on record that he has no desire to tackle 007.
Two sources have Tom Hanks, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Kate Beckinsale involved they in bringing The Da Vinci Code to the big screen.
Director Brian Singer (X-men) will be taking an alternative creative turn in developing a new video game called Secret Service.
Disney intends to bring Toy Story 3 to a theatre near you without the help of Pixar.
For the next two weeks The Hot Corner will have to go on pseudo-hiatus due to the Thanksgiving Holiday and my dad's major reconstructive surgeries on his leg. I'll try to update with reviews during those two weeks but the news and forthcoming releases will have to wait.
But I won't leave you folks empty handed. Here's what's coming in the weeks ahead.
A BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY goes out to my little brother Brett today!
Take care, be safe, and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!